The Miller's Tale

Bright shining soul
untarnished by knowledge
untutored by sin
lurking in a frangible vessel
so prone to self destruction
it waits, assured of a destiny,
if not a time
Ted Wild
Its best to have young vision
To view the world with clear eyes.
Skin, resilient; heart, strong
Legs that refuse to tire:
And with time as available as air,
See the future in hope.
Youth, fecund, incubating adventure,
With a mad energy and grand illusion.
All that force
All that seething
Directed toward mismanaged good of mankind.
I tip my hat to such folly
Reluctant, as I fade from its pull,
Cloaked in the sagging skin of realism
As years pull your face down into your chin,
And, much like a fading sunset
You hope for a long breath-taking
Slow diminishing after-glow.
Jim Long
The Millers tail is of course stolen from early English poet Geoffrey Chaucer who included it in his Canterbury tales.
At 71 my personal belief system still evolves, but I choose to believe a man such as Don with his insight and deep love of poetry would have the option to become a muse after his transition.
I listen for him each time I touch a keyboard. I often hear just laughter.
Safe journey amigo, your influence Is forever.
Ted Wild
To the memory of Don Miller, a friend and an inspiration. He was the best of critics and at our wine poetry sessions, would understand our attempts
Our sessions were usually the best part of the week. We miss him deeply and would honor him by trying to follow the muse to some language art.
Cheers, Jim Long